The Microsoft Upload Center Found A Problem


The Microsoft Upload Center found a problem while accesing the Microsoft Office Document cache and needs to be repaired before it can continue. “The Microsoft Upload Center found a problem while accesing the Microsoft Office Document cache and needs to be repaired before it can continue.

The Office Document Cache contains the files Office uses to make sure your changes are saved in the cloud. Sometimes when you use Office with other apps in the cloud, the apps fail to sync properly before you close Office and this can damage, or corrupt, your Office Document Cache. Usually, Office can repair damaged cache files. However, when a cloud app hasn't synced correctly, it can prevent Office from making the repairs.


  • This article discusses Office Document Cache issues that might occur when you’re using OneDrive. You may experience similar issues when using other apps. If you're using another cloud app, refer to that app's Help or product support information about fixing sync issues.

  • If you're having OneDrive for Business issues, update your OneDrive sync app by following the guidance in Sync files with OneDrive in Windows.

  1. ISSUE: Receive a message “A problem occurred when accessing Office Document Cache. Do you want to repair the problem?” when trying to open any Office file from SharePoint or OneDrive. Clicking Yes, shows message 'The Microsoft Office Upload Center found a problem while accessing the Microsoft Office Document Cache.' CAUSE: Office 2013.
  2. The Office Upload Center gives you a way to view these upload tasks and interact with them, which is especially helpful if there’s a problem. If there’s a problem, you’ll get a notification and you can deal with it. You can view pending uploads, view completed uploads, and view all cached files.

Fix the Office Document Cache

When cache file corruption happens, your file will seem to be stuck in the Office Upload Center. You'll see an alert in your status bar that says the Microsoft Office Document Cache encountered a problem, with a link to repair. When you click to repair, the Upload Center produces another error message, offering to backup your cache and create a new one for you. You may also see errors associated with the other cloud app you were using. When you click Repair in the Upload Center error message, it fails again.

The problem is the files (or folder) could be locked by MS Office (or Upload Center). So you need to close all MS programs first; also, you might need to manually end Upload Center using Windows Task Manager. The Office Upload Center is automatically installed as part of Microsoft Office starting with Office 2010, and you can access it in a few ways, depending on your situation and the version of Windows you're using. To open the Upload Center using the notification icon: Click the Upload Center icon in the notification area. Jan 18, 2011  Microsoft Office Upload Center is included in Microsoft Office. Learn how you can remove or disable the Office Upload Center & delete its Cache. ISSUE: Receive a message “A problem occurred when accessing Office Document Cache. Do you want to repair the problem?” when trying to open any Office file from SharePoint or OneDrive. Clicking Yes, shows message 'The Microsoft Office Upload Center found a problem while accessing the Microsoft Office Document Cache.' CAUSE: Office 2013.

The Microsoft Upload Center Found A Problem While Accessing

To fix this problem, try manually deleting your Microsoft Office Document Cache. Deleting the cache isn't dangerous,and itmight clear up the syncing problem. After you delete the cache, sync may happen automatically, or you may need to sync manually.

Here's an overview of the process to delete your Microsoft Office Document cache:

The Microsoft Office Upload Centre Found A Problem

  1. Perform a clean boot: This step is necessary to make sure the cache files don't get loaded during startup. If they did, they would be locked and you couldn't delete them.

    Important: You must have administrator rights on the computer before you can perform a clean boot.

  2. Delete cache files: Often, this step fixes the problem. Office typically repairs the document cache files if it detects problems. If the cache files are corrupt and irreparable, deleting them allows Office to repair itself by replacing the corrupt files.

  3. Reboot and sync: This step is when Office repairs the cache. After the cache is repaired, a sync operation should clear up any 'stuck' files.

For details about performing these steps, see the following sections.

Note: If the steps in this article don't fix the problem, you may need to uninstall and reinstall Office. Steps for that process aren't provided here. For help reinstalling Office, please see Install Office on your PC or Mac. If you aren't the person responsible for maintaining computers at your place of business, we recommend you talk to your system administrator before you reinstall Office. There may be special circumstances that could affect the install process.

Step 1: Perform a clean boot

The Microsoft Upload Center Found A Problem

The exact steps for performing a clean boot vary depending on which version of Windows you're using. See the support article How to perform a clean boot in Windows and look for steps for your Windows version.

Step 2: Delete cache files

  1. To open the Office Upload Center, do one of the following, depending on your version of Windows:

    • In Windows 10, click the Windows button, type Microsoft Upload Center in the Search box, and then double-click the Microsoft Upload Center app in the search results (it may say 2010 or 2013, depending on your Office version).

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    • In Windows 8 or 8.1, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, click Search, then type Microsoft Upload Center in the Search box, and then double-click the Microsoft Upload Center app in the search results (it may say 2010 or 2013, depending on your Office version).

    • In Windows 7, click Start, point to All Programs, then point to Microsoft Office, then point to Microsoft Office Tools, and then click Microsoft Office Upload Center.

  2. In the Upload Center, click Settings, and then click Delete Cached Files.

Step 3: Reboot and sync

Here's where you'll find out whether the problem is fixed. If document cache file corruption was the reason Office couldn't repair the document cache, the problem should resolve after Office is able to complete the repair and your cloud files are able to sync.

The Microsoft Office Upload Center Found A Problem

The Microsoft Upload Center Found A Problem

The Microsoft Upload Centre Found A Problem

First, reboot normally. The steps for rebooting are also provided in the support article How to perform a clean boot in Windows. See the section 'How to reset the computer to start normally after clean boot troubleshooting'. Find your Windows version in that section, and follow the appropriate steps.

Microsoft Upload Center Found A Problem While

After you've rebooted, it's time to sync your OneDrive files. Steps for syncing OneDrive for Business are provided in the article Repair sync connections in OneDrive for Business.

Microsoft Office Upload Center Found A Problem While Accessing Repair

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