Uninstall Java Download

  1. How To Remove Java
  2. Java
  3. Uninstall Latest Java Update

In the past we have talked about some online services that use the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to run the server side application on the client side. While talking about them, I might have told you to allow JRE to run on the page. But if I would have been talking about the same services today, I will not ask you to grant those permissions. Rather I will ask you to completely disable or even uninstall Java from the computer.

Windows Users: Improve the security of your computer by checking for old versions of Java and removing them when you install Java 8 (8u20 and later versions) or by using the Java Uninstall Tool. This tutorial is written to help New Linux Users, who want to uninstall Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on their Linux. The tasks performed on Ubuntu 16.04, but this will also work on other Debian Based Linux like Linux Mint, Kali Linux, etc.

Confused? Well, blame Java. Lately Java has been getting a lot of vulnerability issues and developers are reporting lot of security loopholes that are exploited by the hackers and malware authors to gain unauthorized access over computers all around the world.

The condition is so bad that the Feds in United States have asked users to completely disable or even uninstall Java from their system due to the security flaw. In recent events, a zero-day Java exploit compromised computers belonging to several Facebook engineers which could have compromised sensitive data. The bottom line is that Java has been the consistent target of attacks, and Oracle isn’t able to patch it in time leaving the vulnerabilities out in the open.

How long are we going to overlook these security issues for a handful of online Java based services? Well, I am not and if you too want to bring an end to it by uninstalling or disabling Java, let’s have a look at the steps to accomplish that.

We will show you the way to completely uninstall Java or just disable it. While the former is an extreme measure, it provides foolproof security from Java vulnerabilities. If you don’t want to completely uninstall Java, you may just disable it from the respective browsers.

Uninstalling Java Completely from Windows

To uninstall Java, open the Windows Control Panel and click on Uninstall a program link.

After the Program and Features window lists all the applications you have installed on your computer, search for Java and uninstall every Java installation and update that’s installed on your computer. If you are a developer and you have installed Java Development Kit (JDK), you might want to omit it. After the program uninstalls, reboot your computer.

You may also use an advanced uninstaller like Revo Uninstaller to do the above. In fact, it migh be a better way to do it.

Disabling Java

If you don’t want to completely uninstall Java and only want to disable it on your default browser, that can also be done. However, covering how to disable Java on all the browsers is beyond the scope of this article. We will see how it can be done on Firefox and Chrome, currently the top two browsers known to us.

Chrome users should write chrome://plugins in the Omnibar and press enter. In the plugin page look for Java and click on the Disable button next to it. Firefox users must open the add-on page by clicking the Firefox button and then disable the Java (TM) Platform plugin from the list. The procedure is quite similar for all the other browsers. You need to open the respective browser plugin page and disable Java from the list.


So that was how you can uninstall and disable Java in your browsers. If you have disabled it you will not be able to run some online apps that require Java Runtime Environment to function. If you have completely uninstalled Java then apart from the online tools that can’t run it, some of the native Windows programs that require JRE will not be able to function. Small price to pay for securing your computer against the deficiencies that Java brings along with it.

Top Image Credits: datamation

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Also See#programs #security

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Rootkits are a type of Trojan horse and are designed to conceal certain objects in your system.

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In this tutorial will explain Java silent install msi version 8 and disable auto update. The command line will also uninstall older version of Java and install a new version. Included tutorial for silent install Java 8 version 91 and above for exe offline installer.

Updatet on 27/05/2016. Offline exe silent installaton of Java.

Java Silent Install.

  • Java msi.
    • Create .cmd file for silent installation of Java.

Also silent install guides for other application here: Complete List

Download and extract msi for Java 8.

You can use the .EXE to extract the .MSI. Go to the Java Update website >>http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp to download the latest Java Update.

First select windows offline to download the .exe on PC. After downloaded, execute the .exe file and once you see the “Welcome to Java” go to :

For Windows 7 PC’s and Windows 8


C:UsersUserNameAppDataLocalLowSunJava and you will see a directory of past Java Updates plus the new installation directory denoted by the Java version number.

Get the msi file and save to a folder in your computer with name java8.40×32.msi.

Also repeat this for the 64-bit version and save msi to the same folder with name java8.40×64.msi.

Note! This method work only for Java 8 Update 40 and below versions. Because Java change the msi procedures.

Note!! Therefore for java 8 update 50 and above versions please use exe version for silent install.

Create the .cmd file for java silent install.

Note! If the msi installer doesnt work please use the exe installer solution.

We will create command line to uninstall older version of java and silent install java 8 version.

Find java product code.

First we need to find the product code of java older version. Go to regedit in path “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall” and find your java version.

For my case of Java 8 Update 31 is “26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83218031F0” for 32 bit.

Also for 64 bit only change this number 32 to 64: “2F83218031F0” to “2F86418031F0”.

Create .cmd script for java silent install.

Open notepad and write the following command line:

This part is for disable java auto update “JU=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0”.

Save the notepad file inside the folder where copied java msi file and at the same time name install.cmd.

Just right-click on install.cmd and run as administrator. As a result the install will finished after few seconds.

Uninstall other version of java.

Additionally if you need to uninstall other version of java just copy another line on notepad (install.cmd) and replace product code with your other java version product code:

In this way you can uninstall all version of java in your computer.

Silent install Java offline Exe Version.

First download java offline installer and save to the folder. In addition create new text file named install.cmd and copy/save below command line:

Just run As Administrator and will perform silent installation of java.

The script will uninstall older version of java, install new version and also disable auto updates.

Deploy Java.

Finally you can deploy java with sccm 2012. Moreover follow the link for more information: Deploy Java

If you have any question about silent install of java feel free to ask on the comment section.

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Uninstall Latest Java Update
