Scrivener Templates For Windows

  1. Scrivener Templates For Windows 7

Scrivener is worth every penny: quite simply, it’s the best writers tool there is. Zoe Margolis, best-selling author. Scrivener is the biggest leap forward in writing software since the venerable days of WordPerfect, and believe me, I’ve tried them all. Antony Johnston, comics writer and novelist. A few years ago, reader Stuart Norfolk, from England, put together a great Scrivener template, based on my books Outlining Your Novel and Structuring Your Novel.At the time, I was just getting started using the program myself and didn’t have much input to add to the template. Scrivener is a great tool for both the fledgling and seasoned writer. The ability to design a template that allows an intuitive workflow on every project is one of its strongest points. Once you find out what works best for you writing style you can tweak and reuse a single template. So I thought it was about time for a Scrivener template round-up. Below you can find links to the current five templates I've released. If, or when, I release more they'll also be added to this list. Not all of these free Scrivener templates will be relevant to you. There's one for authors, two for bloggers, and two for freelance writers.

This week, I decided to take a break from my frustrations (otherwise known as a first draft) and trial the Snowflake Method of writing a novel. I even found a great Scrivener template to start me off.

Currently, I’m at step five, character synopses, of the ten-step process. It was this step, and the previous character-related step, that made me realise I needed some comprehensive template sheets to assist me in the planning/world-building process. Since it’s not every day I create planets and interstellar empires (I’m writing a sci-fi) I needed a little help with what to include in the template. A comprehensive google didn’t turn up any Scrivener-ready templates, but I did come across a number of excellent non-Scrivener templates. Me being me, I spent a few hours Scrivener-ising what I had found and added them to the project template, along with a few new research folders and custom icons.

If you’d like to take a sticky-beak, you will find the templates below, ready for you to download, enjoy and use any which-way you like.

The template, and associated template sheets, is a work-in-progress and I’ll be adding more sheets sort-of-soon-ish. If you have any ideas for new template sheets, or know of some existing ones, please let me know! Proxy switcher download full. I don’t promise to include them, but I’d love to see them.

Download the goodies

Scrivener project template

  • Snowflake method with tasks and template sheets (ZIP) (currently being revised)
    Note: This is a Scrivener template file (learn how import a new template into Scrivener), alternatively, you can download the Snowflake template as a regular Scrivener file here.

Template sheets

Scrivener Templates For Windows 7

  • All four template sheets as a ZIP file
    Rich Text MS Word
  • Character profiles
    Rich Text MS Word
  • Nations
    Rich Text MS Word
  • Interstellar nations
    Rich Text MS Word
  • Planets
    Rich Text MS Word