Script Debugger Microsoft

  1. Microsoft Script Debugger For Uft
  2. Script Debugger Microsoft Word

Sep 17, 2018  Microsoft has 2 browsers and sometimes that can confuse things when troubleshooting and configuring. In Edge if you hit the F12 key that will bring up the dev screen. From there go to the debugger tab and pause the debugger. That's what i do for sites that cause those errors. When running or recording tests with Rapise on a computer that does not have either Visual Studio or the Microsoft Script Debugger installed, you will get this message when you try and use the 'Internal Debugger' option: The solution is to download the script debugger from this location and install on the Rapise computer.

Microsoft Script Debugger is relatively minimal debugger for Windows Script Host-supported scripting languages, such as VBScript and JScript.Its user interface allows the user to set breakpoints and/or step through execution of script code line by line, and examine values of variables and properties after any step. I'm trying to debug some VBScript and normally I'd install the ancient (but free) Microsoft Script Debugger which would work fine on 32-bit XP and 32-bit Windows 7. However after installing it on 64-bit Windows 7 neither //d or //x (or even both) actually invoke the debugger any more.

This topic provides the following user and kernel mode JavaScript code samples.

Microsoft GitHub Repo Example Scripts

The debugger team hosts a GitHub repo that contains example JavaScript scripts and extensions.

You can find it at -

The readme file describes the current example code that is available.

Working with Samples

Script Debugger Microsoft

Use the general process to test any of the samples.

  1. Determine if the sample JavaScript is intended for kernel or user mode debugging. Then either load an appropriate dump file or establish a live connection to a target system.

  2. Use a text editor such as Notepad to create a text file named and save it with a .js file extension, such as HelloWorld.js

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  1. Use the .load (Load Extension DLL) command to load the JavaScript provider.
  1. Use the .scriptrun (Run Script)command to load and execute the script. The .scriptrun command will run code at the root/top and the code under the function names initializeScript and invokeScript.
  1. If the script contains a uniquely named function, use the dx command to execute that function, that is located in Debugger.State.Scripts.ScriptName.Contents.FunctionName.

Refer to JavaScript Debugger Scripting for additional information about working with JavaScript.

Determining process architecture

This JavaScript code adds a property called 'ProcessArchitecture' on to the debugger object model process object to indicate if the process is x86 or x64.

This script is intended to support kernel mode debugging.

Either load a kernel dump file or establish a kernel mode connection to a target system. Then load the JavaScript provider and the sample script.

Use the dx command to display the process architecture of the current process.

Note that this sample code may not always be able to determine the architecture correctly. For example in certain cases working with dump files when you are using the 32-bit debugger.

Data Filtering: Plug and Play Device Tree in KD (Kernel Mode)

This sample code filters the device node tree to display just devices that contain a path of PCI that are started.

This script is intended to support kernel mode debugging.

You can use the !devnode 0 1 command to display information about the device tree. For more information, see !devnode.


Either load a kernel dump file or establish a kernel mode connection to a target system.

Call the filterAllDevices() function.

Each of these objects presented above, automatically supports DML, and can be clicked through just as with any other dx query.

Alternatively to using this script, it is possible to use a LINQ query to accomplish a similar result.

Extend Devices Specific To Multimedia (Kernel Mode)

This larger JavaScript example extends a kernel _DEVICE_OBJECT for information specific to multimedia and adds StreamingDevices to a debugger session.

This script is intended to support kernel mode debugging.

Note that the choice to extend Session with StreamingDevices is done for example purposes only. This should be either left to _DEVICE_OBJECT only or deeper inside a namespace under the existing .Devices.* hierarchy.

First load the script provider as described previously. Then load the script.

Then use the dx command to access the new StreamingDevices capabilities that the script provides.

Microsoft Script Debugger For Uft

Adding Bus Information to _DEVICE_OBJECT (Kernel Mode)

This script extends the visualization of _DEVICE_OBJECT to add a BusInformation field which has PCI specific information underneath it. The manner and namespacing of this sample are still being discussed. It should be considered a sample of the capabilities of the JavaScript provider.

This script is intended to support kernel mode debugging.

First load the script provider as described previously. Then load the script.

We need to locate the address of the device object we are interested in. In this example, we will examine the audio HDAudBus driver.

Script Debugger Microsoft Word

After the script is loaded use the dx command to display bus information for device objects.

Find an Application Title (User Mode)

This example iterates through all the threads in the debugger's current process, finds a frame which includes __mainCRTStartup and then returns the string from the StartupInfo.lpTitle within the CRT's startup. This script shows examples of iteration, string manipulation, and LINQ queries within JavaScript.

This script is intended to support user mode debugging.

Calling the findTitle() function returns notepad.exe

Calling the LINQ version, findTitleWithLINQ() also returns notepad.exe

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