Hacker Experience Guide

  1. Sep 30, 2019  If one has a fair amount of experience in the field of hacking, there exists so many books and websites that give out technical information on latest vulnerabilities along with possible ways to exploit them. However, for beginners it is hard to find sources that teach hacking right from the basics in a simple and easy to follow manner.
  2. How can I stop people stealing my money? Ask Question Asked 4 years, 10 months ago. Active 3 years ago. Viewed 6k times 8. I've been stealing money from people's bank account and bitcoin wallets and it seems really straightforward. Browse other questions tagged hacker-experience or ask your own question. Featured on Meta Congratulations to.
  3. Welcome to the unofficial guide to the game of HackerExperience, managed by wcol, a fellow player and cheater. This wiki was created in a attempt to bring awareness of game mechanics that are outright wrong or misleading on the Official Game Wiki. The game is created by Renato Massaro, and he.
  4. I’ve been looking at the website everyday twice or more to see if it is back on, I’ve noticed that the link to hacker experience legacy is gone however I noticed that hacker experience two link is in and it partially loads before saying that the host has a bad connection so was just wandering what is going on.
  5. The Hacker Project game guide This guide will explain the game mechanics of The Hacker Project online game. For a more detailed guide, you cal also check out Game Guide 2.0 by Exousia.
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Active4 years, 2 months ago

Everyone can become a hacker provided they learn it from the basics and build a solid foundation. So, if you want to be a hacker all you need is passion to learn, a good source of knowledge that will guide you through the basics and some perseverance.

I have hacked into other computer and i want to steal it's money from bank and i don't know how.
I tried to enter it's ip to 'Hack Account'. But it didn't work.So what to do?


1 Answer

You'll have to hack into the bank's computer, or another person's computer. Then, you need to check their logs and hope someone accessed their bank account without cleaning the log afterwards. If they didn't clean it, there will be one or multiple bank account numbers in it.

Save the bank account numbers in notepad or something, and clean the log (so nobody else takes those numbers!). Then, hack the bank's computer and hack each account number, transfer the money and make sure to clean their log (and your log) afterwards.

This is the simplest way I know of, at least.

Ivo CoumansIvo Coumans

protected by FrankJul 25 '15 at 4:29

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Active3 years, 2 months ago

I've been stealing money from people's bank account and bitcoin wallets and it seems really straightforward.

How can I secure my money so the same thing doesn't happen to me?

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3 Answers


Never forget to clear the logs on the servers you connect to and your own log. These contains the information needed to hack you. In your case, delete the logs on your machine and on the bank's server.

Rule #2: BITCOINS! These are coins! That you cannot feel in your hand.

Bitcoins is a real currency, but the Bitcoins in the game are fake, so you are not actually holding money in your game (which is a good thing, because 1 Bitcoins is worth 380 USD in real life, and the developer would lose all his money. here is a bit what Bitcoin is about. It's important because the game simulates exactly how it works. Bitcoin is a decentralized currency. That means that it is not help by any companies and the data about who hold how many Bitcoins is not stored by one server, but hundreds of thousands of computer all over the world.

Now, why is it useful in the game? Well, there are no logs stored on any servers other than your own, so you don't have to connect to a distant server to hide yourself. The fact that there are no servers also mean that other players cannot go to an IP address and do 'Hack Account'. (Well, you can hack the login server, but I do not know what kind of logs is stored there. if someone could update me on that that would be nice.)

But there is a risk! If you forget to clear your log and someone gets your public and private key, it's not safe anymore. You cannot get a new Bitcoins address in the game yet, so if someone hacks into your server, see your connections info in your log and copies it, it's game over. He will be able to use the account like it's his own.


3,7345 gold badges26 silver badges70 bronze badges

So, first off before you start hacking bank accounts you need to log into your bitcoin account and clear your logs right after, if you don't press the 'Logout' button, and stay online, you will stay logged into that bitcoin address.

Hacker Experience Guide Reviews

Next, you'll need two accounts, store both of their numbers and bank ip #'s on the notepad for future use, and then decide which one you want to be secure and your account for transferring, when you steal money, quickly send it to the transferring account and be fast to clear your logs (If you send it to another bank the logs will also be on that bank), then since you're logged in to your bitcoin account you can buy bitcoins with the money you just stole and then sell it to your secure account, there will be no trace of this unless you didn't log in to your bitcoin account and clear your logs beforehand.

This is the strategy I used, and as long as your secure account has never been compromised I promise this will work.


Hacker Experience Guide Free

heres some tips:

  1. NEVER log in to your own account

  2. stack a log edit to be ready instantly

  3. Windows vista desktop download. never transfer between banks, otherwise it will be logged on 3 different servers. yours, the senders and the recievers. if you want to steal money on a different bank create an account there.

  4. clear your logs after:

    • Transfer
    • Logon
    • Collect

Clear banks logs after

  • Transfer
  • Logon
  • DDoS (if you DDoS the bank)

    1. and last but not least, save all your money as BTC and/or spread the remainder through seperate bank accounts.
We own all your bankWe own all your bank

protected by CommunityJul 28 '16 at 1:06

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