Gurps 3rd Edition Pdf Free


The index is divided into three parts, presenting GURPS 3rd Edition, GURPS 4th Edition, and GURPS 'Zines (Roleplayer and Pyramid). I also made up some Wallpaper based on these webpages. There are 4 different versions, two 3rd Edition versions in 1680x1050 and 1920x1080 resolution and two for 4th Edition in 1680x1050 and 1920x1080 resolution. Gurps character sheet 3rd edition. None, free Broken, 1pt Accented, 2pts Native, 3pts. Friend of GURPS Matt has suggested a random character generator and we got to chatting; we decided random characters may be too random but maybe people would like to Save their characters to vonexplaino. I've just received permission to create the PDF. Gurps character sheet 3rd edition. Free Broken, 1pt Accented, 2pts Native, 3pts. I've just received permission to create the PDF's direct from the book,. Gurps.pdf - Free download Ebook, Handbook, Textbook, User Guide PDF files on the internet quickly and easily. The current version of the Basic Set is the Fourth Edition. Caravan to Ein Arris is a great introductory adventure to the GURPS Basic Set, Third Edition. And you can download it for FREE! It's also available with updated stats for GURPS Fourth Edition. GURPS Lite – A 32-page distillation of the basic GURPS rules. It covers the essentials of.

  • HobbyLark»

The GURPS Inception

In 1986, Steve Jackson Games released a role-playing game that was different from anything that had been released prior. GURPS was designed to be a game system that transcended genre. Where there existed fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and even super-hero role playing games, GURPS went in the direction if being all of those and more; 1986 saw both the 1st and 2nd editions of the system. GURPS, which is an acronym meaning GenericUniversalRole-PlayingSystem, accomplishes the task of being all genres by defining characters in terms traits. Traits are purchased with points. Traits come in four basic flavors: attributes, advantages, disadvantages, and skills.

GURPS 3rd Edition was released two years later, in 1988. This became the definitive edition of the game for many years. The rules were extensively cross-referenced and well written. Supplements were released like clockwork; over the years, more than 250 source books would be written for this edition of the game. Although it never cracked into the top three for RPG sales, GURPS 3rd Edition became -- and remains -- one of the most successful lines of role-playing material ever published.

GURPS 3rd Edition was stable; perhaps too much so. The core rules, called the Basic Set, contained a fixed set of advantages, disadvantages, and skills. Over the course of 250+ books, many elements had been created that were essentially generic universal traits; since the page references involved in the extensive cross-referencing could not be mucked with, a 3rd Edition Revised core rule book was produced. Fundamentals of ecology 5th edition pdf. This book left all of the material in the front of the book alone. In the very back, in a 32 page area that originally held a sample fantasy adventure, a mini-supplement of material they wished could be in the core was included. But this was far from extensive.

Enter Sean 'Dr. Kromm' Punch. Taking over as GURPS Line Editor in 1995 (and who over the years has become the face of GURPS) created a two-volume set of books in 1996 called the GURPS Compendiums. Together, these books included everything that would have been in the Core Book had it been possible to expand it without breaking down all of the indexing of the system. This was (to borrow a term from Wizards of the Coast) GURPS 3.5. These two books gave GURPS 3rd Edition a new lease on life.

Sometime in either 2002 or 2003 (depending upon the source), Sean Punch and David Pulver were tasked with revising and updating GURPS to a new 4th edition. GURPS 3rd edition was approaching 15 years of age; the sheer volume of material written for the system had created a level of cruft -- piled on specialized sub-systems -- which detracted from the streamlined beauty of the system. In 2004, GURPS 4th edition was launched. Steve Jackson announced that the system would be extensively supported with premium product.

This fell apart quite quickly.

The Road to Hell..

Steve Jackson Games officially announced the (upcoming) release of GURPS 4th Edition on 16 March 2004 on their blog, called the Daily Illuminator. The books were to be released in August of that year with an aggressive release schedule through the end of the year. A web-chat took place to answer questions. It would seem GURPS would have an aggressive release schedule; books would all be long (see below), full-color, hard-cover books -- what I will call premium books.

These points are important to many fans of the system. Steve Jackson -- the man and his company -- were promising to bring premium production to their already premium content. If the fans were to be enticed to come over to the new system -- as opposed to using the 3rd edition with what-ever house rules they had developed over the years -- they needed:

  1. Support: this meant releasing books for the new system, in the new premium format, to replace the extensive libraries most hard-core fans had acquired over the years. They needed to rebuild their library.
  2. Something Extra: this meant something to make the switch worthwhile.

An aggressive release schedule handled #1; premium books were unusual for Steve Jackson Games. It seemed to be an enticing carrot that could bring the old-guard over.

The first signs of cracks in the plan took place before month's end. On 26 March, ten days after the official announcement, a contest for designing the GURPS Basic Setcovers was begun. The so-called gorgeous artwork was almost universally regarded as anything but gorgeous. Since this is entirely an aesthetic issue, the good folks at Steve Jackson Games took this is stride and asked their fan base: can you do better? The answer was yes. The finalists in the contest (and the original designs) are still available for viewing. [Update 2015-01-15: the covers are no longer posted on Steve Jackson Games' website] The first hurdle was cleared with ease.

As the weeks slowly passed, Daily Illuminator announcements directed GURPS fans to chats discussing changes in the GURPS skill systems, how things would get consolidated and streamlined, etc. All appeared to be going well. In fact, for all intent and purpose, it was. Announcements for the new system included:

  • GURPS Basic Set in both deluxe and the standard print went to press on time and were released in August.
  • GURPS Dragons shipped in June, becoming the first GURPS 4th Edition book to hit the shelves.
  • GURPS Lite, a PDF and free print release of the core rules distilled into 32 pages was released in July.
  • GURPS Update, a document for all 3e -> 4e conversions was released shortly after the Basic Set.
  • GURPS GM's Screen was announced for September 2004 when 4th Edition was announced.
  • GURPS Fantasy was announced for October 2004 when 4th Edition was announced.
  • GURPS Magic was announced for November 2004 when 4th Edition was announced.
  • GURPS Infinite Worlds (a time-travel, dimensional-hopping campaign setting) was announced for December 2004 when 4th Edition was announced.
  • GURPS Banestorm had its play test announcement on 22 August.
  • GURPS Bestiary had its play test announcement on 22 August.
  • GURPS Interstellar Wars (a new line for Traveller) was announced on 15 October.
  • GURPS Powers (a book for dealing with super-powered beings) was announced on 21 November.
  • ..and so on..

The aggression of the schedule was not in question. The ability for Steve Jackson to deliver on this schedule most certainly was. But more importantly, the ability for Steve Jackson to deliver on this schedule the premium production values was being tested early on.

The standard and deluxe printings of the GURPS Basic Set were a success. The original covers with the sub-standard artwork and flat, bland look were gone and replaced with the puzzle-look that had won the covers contest. These were seen as a great step forward and resulted in beautiful books. GURPS Dragons was a beautiful hard-cover book with full-color art and set the standard for GURPS supplements. This book was considered a universal success.

GURPS Lite was seen as an odd booklet. The choices for advantages and skills to include in the trimmed list was suspect (e.g., Jumper), causing some to call into question the editorial choices made. Given that this was a PDF and free-print product, it was given some slack. In the end, it was considered a success.

GURPS Update -- another PDF release -- was considered by many to be too long. This was exacerbated by the fact that the initial announcement and follow-up web chats indicated that virtually no conversion would be needed. Explanations were offered indicating that the document focused mostly on adjusting the point values of characters rather than adjusting capability. Response to this was mixed. It is about this time that some of the old-guard GURPS fans were starting to question choices made in the new edition.

The first product to be seen as a failure was the GURPS GM's Screen. For a line that was touting itself as premium production, this fell flat. It was thin and flimsy; it had the artwork that was rejected for the original covers -- 93% of those polled voted against the art they used in this product [Update 2015-01-15: the covers are no longer posted on Steve Jackson Games' website].

GURPS Fantasy, Magic, and Infinite Worlds were all released on time. Fantasy was seen as a good, fresh look at the genre with few miss-steps. Infinite Worlds was an interesting compilation of alternate worlds and the campaign from GURPS 3e's Time Travel.

GURPS Magic, on the other hand..

GURPS Magic Fail

When GURPS MagicWifi adapter driver download. hit the shelves, a lot of people were shocked to find that the system was not updated, fixed, corrected, or .. well, anything. The issues that had been well documented were not corrected. The optional systems -- those things that make GURPS the flexible tool-kit that it is -- were left out completely.

Back when the Basic Set was released, the short chapter on magic (~20 pages) was excused as something it needed to include in order to be truly generic and universal. Magic, it was said, is where multiple systems and flavors of magic would be discussed and fleshed out. Left unsaid was the fact that the baseline system presented in the Basic Set was the same system that lacked flavor and feel from the older editions -- the system so many GURPS fans abandoned and created house rules for; the same system abandoned in many GURPS settings and articles dealing with magic (Voodoo, Unlimited Mana, etc.). The flaws of the Basic Set rules were discussed at length following Magic's release. One of the biggest questions became why did GURPS 4th Edition create a talent system for all skills if Magical Aptitude (the original GURPS skill talent) was not going to use those rules?

Magic suffered not only from creative lapses, but editorial lapses as well. A series of charts in the book detailing the steps needed to reach a particular spell included calculations indicating how many spells were prerequisites for a given spell. This chart was intended to allow a Game Master to move a spell without making it too easy or too hard to obtain. The problem: a large chunk of the calculations were just plain wrong.

The discussions for Magic and how this book was a failure continued for some time. Then, Steve Jackson Games announced GURPS Thaumatology. This book is the one they would include alternative magical systems and corrections for Magic.

Thus, GURPS Magic -- only the third supplement for GURPS 4th Edition -- would cause Steve Jackson Games to announce GURPS Thaumatology which had the singular goal of erasing GURPS Magic from our collective memory.

GURPS Bestiary Disappears

GURPS Bestiary was announced while the GURPS Basic Set was just being released. In December -- four months later -- the play test seemed to be having trouble. The Basic Set sold out of its initial print run, so the system was doing well (even though the GURPS Online project was cancelled about this time).

The Basic Set devotes one-third of the space to animals as it does to magic. The GURPS 3e Bestiary was a relatively popular book. It went through multiple printings and revisions, it spawned several side-books (Space Bestiary, Fantasy Bestiary, Creatures of the Night, Dragons, etc.). Many -- myself included -- feel that a Role Playing System without a good manual of monsters is incomplete.

What was promised was a book that gave stats for real-world creatures, and rules for how to create interesting monsters, variations, and such -- all while keeping in mind the creature's role in its ecology and environment. What we got was nothing.

In the decade since GURPS 4th edition was released, no Bestiary has ever been produced. This was the first of many realizations that GURPS was not going to live up to the promise.


  • Micro: up to 16 pages
  • Mini: 17 to 32 pages
  • Short: 33 to 64 pages
  • Medium: 65 to 128 pages
  • Long: 129 to 256 pages
  • Extended: 257 or more pages

The term 'premium' refers to long, full-color, hard-cover books.

Did We Say 'Aggressive'?

Books began to slip in the official schedule. The original aggressive schedule was supposed to be one premium book per quarter. Had this schedule been kept, Steve Jackson Games would have produced more than 40 such books for GURPS 4th Edition by the time of this writing.

The number of products -- please note, I did not say books -- that have been produced for GURPS 4th edition is nearly 140. This is impressive; quite shy of the number of books produced for 3rd Edition by this time in its history, but respectable.

This comes out to one product every three weeks. The problem is that these products consist of:

  • 2x -- basic set books (premium)
  • 7x -- premium books
  • 9x -- long hard-cover books
  • 5x -- medium soft-cover books
  • 2x -- short soft-cover books
  • 5x -- mini soft-cover books
  • 8x -- medium PDF files
  • 55x -- short PDF files
  • 35x -- mini PDF files
  • 9x -- micro PDF files
  • 1x -- character assistant software
  • 1x -- game master's screen

Each book is counted in the category closest to premium it achieves. Some of the premium books (such as GURPS Fantasy) are no longer in print, and will likely never see print as a premium book again. Some have been re-released as grey-scale, soft-covers and/or as PDF files. Trying to cross reference this mess is a bigger nightmare than GURPS 3rd Edition ever reached.

What Happened?

After the fiasco with Magic, Bestiary, and several other planned books, the support for GURPS 4th Edition was pushed down to a less premium level. Add to this the revelation that far more of Steve Jackson Games' cash flow is derived from the card game Munchkin than from the GURPS line, and support gets pushed into other shorter-cycle venues. The official line, last time I checked, is: GURPS will get the occasional hard-cover book when time and production schedule allows; meanwhile GURPS support isPyramid Magazine and quasi-regular PDF releases.

GURPS is not the main focus of Steve Jackson Games. It has not been for some time; it will not be in the foreseeable future. Role Playing Games are a side-line business for the company as Munchkin takes over the vast majority of their resources.

Additionally, Steve Jackson is a man who wants to do some things simply because he wants to do them. And this is a good thing! Thanks to this sort of drive, a Kickstarter campaign raised nearly one million dollars to revive the OGRE line! You cannot argue with success like that. But he is just one man, and Steve Jackson Games has limited resources. When you have to assign many to OGRE and most to Munchkin.. things like GURPS fall to the side lines.

None of this is to say they are wrong. Steve Jackson Games is a business. Like any other business, they look at their market and adjust accordingly. But as a GURPS fan, this makes me sad. So let's look at what I think needs to happen.

GURPS 5th Edition

If a GURPS 5th Edition were to be made, do you think the direction I have outlined is the correct one?

What Needs to Happen?

First, we need to establish some assumptions (so let us recap some points from above):

  • GURPS is, at its core, one of the most robust role-playing systems ever written.
  • GURPS 3rd Edition suffered from a decade of cruft piling on top of the core engine.
  • GURPS Compendium I and II spared GURPS the need to go to a 4th Edition for several years
  • GURPS 4th Edition had lofty goals, and fell flat on some. A few miss-steps were caused by having goals that were unattainable or unsustainable (depending upon whom you ask); others were caused by internal editorial and design choices (e.g.,Magic, Bestiary)
  • GURPS 4th Edition is not getting the support and attention it needs thanks to a company that needs to focus on its largest money-maker.

All of this said.. I think it is time for Steve Jackson to either sell GURPS to another company, or create a spin-off, which can treat GURPS as its primary focus. Role playing is far from dead! Pathfinder is doing well. Dungeons and Dragons Next is in long-term development. Dragon Age, Edge of the Galaxy, 13th Age, and other RPGs are selling well. A smaller, more agile company with GURPS as its primary focus could do well for itself.

Assuming this were to happen, a 5th Edition should be created. The core set should have:

  • a Characters book
  • a Campaigns book
  • a Creatures book

The books should be long, grey-scale books. GURPS is -- and should always be -- a premium content brand, not a premium production brand. Pretty pictures are useless if the content is no there. Excellent content is not made better with pretty pictures. Good, solid, black-and-white art is perfect for the style GURPS uses.

Primary sub-systems (e.g., technological levels) should be handled in the most simple and basic manner. Long, grey-scale books going into these concepts in detail should be planned and assigned as the 5th Edition is being put together.

Specialized sub-systems (e.g., magic, powers) should be left out of the core books entirely. Long, grey-scale books detailing these concepts in detail should be planned and assigned as the 5th Edition is being put together as well.

Applications of the sub-systems (e.g., specific magic systems, psionics, super-powers, alternate tech trees) should be planned as well. Medium or long, grey-scale books should be produced for these purposes.

So.. hard-cover or soft-cover? That should be the customer's choice. The entire line should be available as PDF files, and (via a good print-on-demand service) available as either hard-cover or soft-cover books. Once a book is in print.. leave it that way forever!

These are my thoughts on the matter. Share your thought below!

  • Magic and Powers are not optional in the core rule books. They need to be there and they need to be proper, full, solid and understandable. Without it you are not universal. The core rules should allow me to play high-fantasy just as much as it should allow me to play SciFi.

    Also, a monster manual is not optional either. It needs to be there and contain a mix of real animals, SciFi creatures and fantasy monsters. It also needs to be long to works properly.

    All in all the GURPS core set, which should include a monster manual, should be somewhere in the vicinity of 1000 pages total to satisfy basic gaming needs.

    That may seem unreasonable, but that's as much as end has and dnd isn't trying to be universal.

  • I wanted to develop an online open set of rules which was effectively a conversion of Gurps for use as a plugin for things like roguelikes or other Computer RPGs. However it is touchy doing anything with Gurps compared to the d20 system, adapting FATE, etc.

    Anyway adaptation to a computer is one way of forcing you to consider and rationalise rules systems.

  • I partially agree with you..

    I may be in the minority here, but I don't use hardback books anymore. I very much prefer PDF publications. I can quickly reference them and search them. In fact, unless it's the only option, I will NOT buy another hardback/softback. Period.

    Concerning the game itself, I only have a couple players left who will even consider playing in a GURPS game. They consider the rules cumbersome and complicated (esp with GURPS Martial Arts). They also hate GURPS Magic, preferring the feel of D&D.

    I've played many systems since my last GURPS game and I've noticed modern gaming systems have less pension for complexity. Abstraction replaces complexity and they tend to wrap around their genre. I'm thinking Burning Wheel / Mouse Guard, GUMSHOE, Nemesis, etc. What I dislike about the modern systems is their lack of grit. GURPS was always great in that respect. I'd like to see a 5th edition of GURPS come out but launch in a slightly different direction. As for the direction, I'm of two minds. A streamlined ruleset would be very much welcomed, but now that online gaming has taken off (thanks to Roll20 and FantasyGrounds) it would be interesting to see a game system designed from the ground up to run purely inside an online system. I know that comment will earn me the ire from several folks here, but it's actually my preferred method of play now. I agree that Steve Jackson should probably open up the system. It would probably go a long way towards getting community support for GURPS.

    I'd also like to say something about GURPS Magic. I've been so disappointed in the magic system for some time. I really want to see a new and different direction here. Some of the mini/micro PDF sets are impressive (such as Divine Favor), but God help me if I have to get into the OCD-creating activities of creating advantages and powers. Thaumatology was a nice read, but I felt it was incomplete.. I didn't feel it gave you a full magic system and still relied on you to customize. Seriously, I spent more time customizing GURPS for my custom campaign than I did writing the backstory. Very annoying.. That said, I don't think I could have done it in any other system.

    Now that I've gotten all this out, I think 5th edition would be successful if Steve opened it up (made it free to use for anyone), made it new and fresh, and then streamlined it. Perhaps even consider the mainline stats.. I.e. Why is a smart person always strong willed?

  • Im quite New to GURPS but I cant see much of the trouble you explain. I cant compare it with 3e (it'd be another dozen of books to read), but 4th is just fine. I researched other systems and theres nothing even close to gurps, despite its flaws. In the other hand, the psionics and powers system in general is well balanced and explained for me, and it offers you an infinity of possibilities to make.. Im running some pseudo d&d game with my friends, who the most doesnt even know english. It's difficult, but not imposible tho.

  • i so agree about the pretty pictures - the only need for images is when images convey information. this is pretty radical, but i think corebooks should be copylefted. SRD gurps. open the gates - let the thousand flowers bloom.

  • Well, I've been playing GURPS for 12 or 13 years now. And my whole group basicly sticked to 3.5E. GURPS 4E really had some awesome ideas but from what i have tasted the delivery was fairly confusing. Especialy if your whole group doesn't use english as native language (wich of course is not SJG to blame). For half of my group was the main issue alphabetical sorting of everything in core books. I was looking forward to the next edition of GURPS until year ago or so but I've almost given up the hope. Let's face the facts. SJG make a majority of money on card and board games. I consider it as an outcome of the society of today. You can learn Munchkin or board game in couple of hours. To learn the GURPS, you need weeks just to test the basic rulebooks not to mention the expansions. And the sad thing is that too few people simply has that dedication. For SJG it is more profitable to do another card or board game than use that time and manpower for GURPS. The goal of today is that everything (including games we play for fun) has to be as fast and spimple as possible. Although I can clearly see the shift away from these tendencies from bunch of people. It is possible, that we are just aging though :-P

    What I am trying so say is that there is simply too low demand for another GURPS right now. Only the hardcore fans are waiting for it. But there is no hunger for pen and paper roleplaying now. Considering the problems 4E had in the past (for me the biggest letdown was the Magic) and you have had pointed yourself the future of GURPS doesn't look much bright right now. Don't get me wrong. I still anticipiate the 5E. But I don't think we'll see it sooner than in 5 years. I'd say maybe even 2024 as 20 year anniversary of 4E. We'll have to stay with our house-rules or pick another systém, I am afraid..

  • I agree with everything you printed here! Though I originally started at 14 years old, in 1985, with D&D, from the moment I found GURPS (2 years later) i was hooked. I collected all the books and subsequent editions..until the 4th edition. I run some pretty heavy Psionic games, and the new GURPS 'Psionic Rules' are AWFUL! Psionics, in the 4th edition, are treated as Advantages--for EACH skill/power! It makes a full-scale Telepath unbelievably expensive to build.

    In any case, I still use GURPS, but I use Edition 3.5 and have transported some parts of Edition 4 (the actual improvements, as I see them) into my system and I am content with the way it works from there. I even bought some of the 4th edition expansion books BUT I always sit down in the book store and READ THEM FIRST! That way I can decide if they are worth the price or if the are just a load of crap like ~some~ books have been!


  • Specialized sub-systems, powers and magic are two examples you use, should be included in the basic set. At the very least, some indication of how these would be handled should be included.

    The lack of 'The Force' in Edge of the Empire is a major reason why my gaming group did not switch from Saga Edition.

  • The basics of GURPS is great, in theory. The biggest problems with it is also its greatest asset: it is incredibly complex and flexible. The system in fourth edition had tried to be too generic, and in doing so mad following it or finding anything simply annoying. Each ability was given modifications, talents, skills, etc. in doing so trying to build a character or a race went from minutes to hours. It needs a drastic overhaul to revitalize it. A multiple level of complexity system that allows new players to create a basic character in minutes and a new GM to be able to play in under an hour. The system then can build on complexity and grow with the players. Each sub system can be added in or not as the players grow into the game. It also needs much better production values. The 4th ed books used horrible poser based artwork, bad section color coding and really just bad art direction. I've wondered how much it would cost to buy the rights to GURPS to be able to give it the revamping it deserves. It could be #1 in game sales if it was properly handled and turn D&D into a footnote.

  • I do agree that GURPS is a solid system (my preferred one, still) and that a 5th edition would be awesome, but only if the system was sold to another company focused on doing it right.

  • I agree that GURPS is one of the best systems ever designed, 4E was released with the best of intentions by one of the best companies in the RPG hobby, but that 4E has also turned into a giant cluster-F-bomb, and a 5E reboot is desperately needed.

    The only way to make money on print product is to mass produce or go POD, and SJGames can't do POD right now, so rather than work with rpgnow, the shaft everybody. If they will only mass produce, then by all means go B&W, softcover, to maximize profitability and keep costs down for customers. I hate the micro-production, 4E is more of a nightmare than 3E for navigation purposes, so yes, ditch that process and go for bigger books, too.

    I disagree with leaving out subsystems though. With 4E, Powers was a half-baked idea at release, at best, now, with 5E, it should be in the core rules all in one chapter - Powers - the, whether that's psionics, magic, superpowers, whatever, here's how they work chapter. I also disagree with 3 books - I'd rather 1 big book (campaigns+characters) as the core, and optional bestiaries for whatever you need (Earth Bestiary - full of every real-world creature that has existed and how to use it in-game, usable in all genres/games, then for special genres: Fantasy Bestiary, Space Bestiary, Horror Bestiary, etc.)

  • You make a well-supported argument for a GURPS spin-off. I suspect the GURPS design team at SJG is excellent, but that they aren't getting the resources they need to move product, so I'd like to see those people stay with the system. Moving back to more basic production value, in favor of continued excellent content, is a good idea for GURPS, and probably SJG in general. They don't seem to be able to be efficient about high production value projects.

    I think I disagree that the 'specialized sub-systems' like magic, psi, and super-powers need to be eliminated from the Basic Set. I don't think the game can be truly generic without including the several most-used of these. You would need to make a case for other content being more important.

    GURPS character management is complex, so I think a tool like GURPS Character Assistant is required. That said, GCA is in dire need of an update. (Disclosure: I have written such an updated tool, so I _could_ be biased. Judge me accordingly.)

  • So many wrong things written here.

    The main one is your need to mimicry the D&D. There is no need to do that. GURPS's different product. It doesn't have to consist of 3 books: PHB, DMG and Monster Manual. You're trying to kill GURPS and make it D&D instead.

    And Bestiary. No really. Why do you say that? Are you aware of Creatures of the Night for 4th edition? Monster Hunter - the Enemy, Zombies and lots of stuff in other books speaking about how to create an animal, demon, goblin etc. There are even sites where you can get some conversion of the most popular D&D monsters.

    . . .

This list of unofficial GURPS Netbooks is a listing of the fan publications for the GURPSrole-playing game.

  • 1GURPS Third Edition
  • 2GURPS Fourth Edition

GURPS Third Edition[edit]

Fantasy Netbooks[edit]

  • 3x3 Eyes Files with rules and setting information for role-playing in Yuzo Takada's manga 3x3 Eyes.
  • Arcadayn A highly detailed medieval fantasy campaign setting for GURPS. History, geography, politics, theology, and cosmology of the world are included.
  • Barsoom Role-playing in Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter of Mars setting.
  • Dark Conspiracy This Netbook gives notes for running the Dark Conspiracy setting - one of the first games of modern horror, and one with a less intrusive background than many of its successors - under the GURPS rules.
  • Hârn World The author's take on how to run the world of Hârn under GURPS. Initially inspired by Michael Cule's article in Roleplayer 26.
  • Harry Potter The complete GURPS Harry Potter Netbook.
  • Kingdoms of Kalamar The original Kingdoms of Kalamar material was clearly intended for use with Dungeons & Dragons, but with this Netbook you can now play in this detailed world using GURPS.
  • Kalyr In the decadent kandar cities, political, religious and guild factions scheme and plot as they have always done. The honor of the clan, and the status in the guild matter above all! The wizards are worried. Some of their number have detected something strange happening with the fabric of space and time. Have the mirrors reopened? Will the horrors of ancient times return again?
  • Narth 2000 Elves, gods, guns, steam, and magic in a devastated world.
  • Patyrsun Adarian, a fantasy campaign world, and lots of resources including Uncle Figgy's role-playing guides.
  • Saromatia The Matriarchy awaits you.
  • Spelljammer This Netbook provides guidelines for Spelljammer Spelljamming with GURPS.
  • Weird Realm A collection of Netbooks with conversions for Chivalry and Sorcery, Empire of the Petal Throne, The Fantasy Trip, and C.J. Carella's WitchCraft.

Science Fiction Netbooks[edit]

  • Albedo A guide to role-playing in the Albedo Universe using GURPS rules.
  • Amber Nebula The Amber Nebula is a fairly hard-science futuristic setting for GURPS Space campaigning. General tech level is TL10. Other GURPS resources are also included on this site.
  • Dune This Netbook of descriptions and rules alterations is for a GURPS Space campaign based on the Dune series of novels by Frank Herbert. It incorporates elements from GURPS Cyberpunk, GURPS Martial Arts, GURPS Martial Arts Adventures and GURPS Vehicles (1st Edition).
  • Final Frontier A downloadable Netbook for GURPS role-playing in the Star Trek universe. Make somewhat redundant by GURPS Prime Directive.
  • Godzilla In the course of nearly three dozen films starring Godzilla and his antagonists, Toho Studios has created an exciting universe, full of things to do that don't involve 300 foot monsters stepping on your character's head. This Netbook is an attempt to explore that universe and suggest ideas to the imaginative GM.
  • Marathon GURPS Marathon includes extensive background information, star maps, fully designed robots, weapons made with the GURPS Vehicles system, and the like. This full-length sourcebook, written over the course of four years, covers virtually every topic in the original computer games, and then some.
  • Matrix Resistance fighters now regularly hack into The Matrix and the numbers of Zion are growing. Some would say the hope of freeing humanity is becoming a reality.
  • Pathfinder We expanded through the cosmos for hundreds of years, leaving the shells of a thousand worlds behind. Then we were at war. Millions of lives and hundreds of thousands of ships lost. Now, twenty years later, the human race starves. No supplies, no resources. All that is left for us to use are the wrecks of a million spacecraft from a forgotten past. But when we ventured into the deep to salvage our past, we uncovered secrets the universe never meant for us to find.
  • Skyrealms of Jorune Downloadable Netbooks for role-playing in the Skyrealms of Jorune in many different game systems.
  • Souless Killers This Netbook is a GURPS Adaptation of the Alien movie universe in cooperation with the Colony.
  • Space Rangers The Commonwealth Space Rangers; 'We Always Get Our Sentient Being!' Tech level is TL9.5.
  • Shadowrun The complete Netbook on running the shadows with GURPS.
  • Stargate SG-13 Downloadable Netbook for exploring the world of Stargate SG-1.
  • Star WarsA long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. A great adventure took place in the Star Wars universe.
  • Universe Several downloadable Netbooks that convert SPI's old science-fiction role-playing game Universe.

Gurps Books Pdf

GURPS Fourth Edition[edit]

Fantasy Netbooks[edit]

Gurps 3rd Edition Pdf Free Pdf

  • Beneath Castle Everglory A dungeon module for use with GURPS Dungeon Fantasy. Do you dare to brave the depths beneath Castle Everglory? Strap on your broadsword and ready your spells. Plunder and death await!
  • GURPS Gulliver A supplement for any genre, published by T.Bone. The GURPS 4e version is a short guide to building and gaming odd-sized creatures; the 3e version covers all physical aspects of characters in great detail.
  • Collection of GURPS Spells Hundreds of player-created spells (both 3e and 4e), collected from various websites (primarily, but including other sites and forums)
  • Dawn of Magic A long time ago, magic was active on this world, but disappeared a thousand years ago for unknown reasons. But it is now slowly coming back again, with potentially huge effects on the Empire and its inhabitants.
  • Fallen Empire The Cataclysm happened twenty years ago. Now it is up to you to figure out what really happened to the Great Empire.
  • The Gift PCs play mages living the modern world, coping with power, mage society and supernatural peril.
  • GURPS Magical Styles Fan Netbook An open collection of magical styles, written by fans for fans, for use with GURPS Magical Styles. Use it as a resource to add flavor to mages in your GURPS game, or add your own styles for others to use.
  • Hardpoint Mostly, it's the careers from Warhammer Fantasy converted to GURPS rules, but there is also a magic system that is more suitable for the Warhammer world.
  • It Came from the Forums A community bestiary collected from work by members of the Steve Jackson Games GURPS forum.
  • Jovia The Hjo3 project contains a collection of downloadable Netbooks that includes Jovia, a unique GURPS fantasy world.
  • Lineage Join the Mage Houses and fight for wealth and power in the modern USA. Or join The Rebellion and declare war on Heaven and Hell themselves.
  • Natural Encyclopedia Over 650 bestiary conversions from GURPS Third Edition and other sources.
  • Northenden A historical-ish campaign set in a medieval-ish world. There is no magic or monsters. Just forests, swords, farms, and castles.
  • Planescape This Netbook provides rules and character templates for GURPS adventures in the Planescape universe.
  • Saduria Several downloadable Netbooks set in a gritty alternate world, similar to our own Earth in 1530 AD but without gunpowder.
  • Skylands The complete downloadable Skylands Netbook, and other GURPS resources.
  • Suikoden (Spanish) A Netbook to play in the Suikoden World (a RPG PS & PS2 game of Konami). With new magic rules (using runes) and battle rule for armies.
  • Tiwesdæg Clíewen A unique gameworld based on Saxon myth.
  • The World of Kung Fu A campaign world for modern, over-the-top, martial-arts action fantasy conspiracy adventure. With the fate of the world at stake, this is a setting for gamers with guts and righteousness only.

Science Fiction Netbooks[edit]

  • Battlestar Galactica A guide to role-playing in the Battlestar Galactica universe.
  • Paradise City A cyberpunk setting with extended catalogs of weapons and cyberware.
  • My GURPS This Netbook includes many house rules, and conversions of the GURPS Traveller races into fourth edition.
  • Star Wars Sourcebook GURPS 4th Edition Star Wars Sourcebook. Over 250 pages.
  • Weird Sun Homebrew SF-meets-magic kitchen sink setting for GURPS, inspired by RIFTS.

Gurps 3rd Edition Pdf Free Trial

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