Autocad Standard Layers List
Use this procedure to import layer standards from other drawings or from the AecLayerStd.dwg drawing in C:ProgramDataAutodeskACA <version>enuLayers folder.
You select the options that you wish to use for layer names on a given project, and then apply the resulting format consistently for all layer names on that project. NOTE: For conceptual conformance to ISO 13567, Organization and Naming of Layers for CAD, the layer name format and length must be the same for all layers on a given project. You select the options that you wish to use for layer names on a given project, and then apply the resulting format consistently for all layer names on that project. NOTE: For conceptual conformance to ISO 13567, Organization and Naming of Layers for CAD, the layer name format and length must be the same for all layers on a given project.
- Layer Controls. As indicated, layer 10 WALLS is the current layer. All new objects are automatically placed on that layer. In the list of layers, the green check next to layer 10 WALLS confirms that it is the current layer. In the column labeled On, notice that the light bulb icons for two layers are dark.
- Pen wieghts in AutoCAD are measured in “mils,” which are thousandths of an inch On the other end of the spectrum, all details, wall and building sections, interior and exterior elevations, are all drawn purely by line weight and as a result, are not on a layer that is specific to the content.
- The United States National CAD Standard (NCS) version 6 is comprised of the Foreword, Administration, AIA CAD Layer Guidelines, Uniform Drawing System, BIM Implementation, Plotting Guidelines and Appendixes. The following are sample pages from each module of the standard (Adobe Acrobat PDFs): Foreword and Administration.
Architectural Layer Standards
- If necessary, open the Layer Properties Manager by clicking Home tabLayers panelLayer Properties.
- Click .
- Click Import/Export.
- Click Open.
- Select the drawing with the layer standards that you want to import, and click Open.
All the layer standards in the drawing are displayed in the External File list.
- Under External File, select the layer standard that you want to import, and click Import.
You can select more than one layer standard in a list by holding down Ctrl while you select the additional layer standards.
If you import a layer standard that already exists in the target drawing, a message is displayed asking if you wish to overwrite the existing layer standard. Click Yes to overwrite the existing layer standard, or click No to cancel.
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- Click OK.
The layer standards that you imported are displayed in the Layer Standards dialog box.